The good news

Yeah! 😀 Today I received the mail from the SAP Social Sabbatical team: My application from May was accepted. I will spend my social sabbatical in Durban, South Africa, over four weeks from October 07th to November 4th. I was awaiting the reply even more as this was my second application after the one in 2015.

With that I would like to welcome you on this blog. Join me for the next couple of weeks. I intend to cover some facts about our preparation work before the assignment, our work with the local client during our assignment and also some impressions on the people, the country and its culture.

With the confirmation mail, I also received more information about the setup of our assignment. We are assigned as a team of twelve colleagues from the SAP locations in Argentina, Austria, Australia, France, Germany, Great Britain, India, Portugal and the USA. Together we will have pre-work sessions in the last six weeks (August 30th - October 4th) before the sabbatical starts in October.

This is the schedule for the pre-work sessions:
Week 1: Introductions & Global Engagement
Week 2: Cultural Awareness
Week 3: Project & Client Introduction
Week 4: Tips & Tools
Week 5: Teamwork & Communication
Week 6: Prepare to Launch

From week to week we will also get some preparation tasks like team introduction, client introduction and many more, so that we already get some contact with our fellow team members and get ready to face our local challenge in the country. As soon as I have more information about our local client, I will post it here.

Let me finish with some comments about why I applied for this sabbatical. Working for an international corporation like SAP for the last 15 years, I acquired a manyfold skillset, collaborate with colleagues and partners worldwide and work on different projects in parallel. With that, it is sometimes difficult to directly see the effect of your own work. The sabbatical offers exactly that: as a diverse team with different skills we have to help our local client in a very short time frame. I can use my skills for a good cause, directly experience the outcome 4 weeks later and strengthen my cultural awareness. And after the assignment, I return back to my regular position and can apply my learnings in my daily job. Do I need more reasons?

If you want to get more information about the SAP Social Sabbatical, check out here.

I am looking forward to get your feedback and comments.

Welcome and enjoy!


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