
Es werden Posts vom November, 2017 angezeigt.

All good things come to an end...

... so did the Social Sabbatical last Saturday. On Friday we had our closing event with all teams and the host clients. It was organized as a panel discussion where every team first summarized its experience from the past 4 weeks and then was asked different questions about the project. After the event it was time for the first round of farewell, we had to say goodbye to our hosts with whom we spent most of the time during our stay. I was glad to get a traditional Moroccan Shirt of Adnane's fashion brand that perfectly complements my new babouches. Do you like it? 😜 In the evening we celebrated. We started with our final dinner together as a global SAP team (at least the last one for now, who knows, maybe there will be some reunion in future) in a French restaurant accompanied by Jazz music. As my birthday was on Saturday, some colleagues already started to celebrate with me some hours early. 😉 We continued and finally ended our party in the bar next to our hotel.

Week 4: Pioneering Events

Our last week in Rabat is nearly over. What a week. I am really happy that I had the chance to be part of two amazing events: on Tuesday, we held our final presentation with our client and today we met Muhammad Yunus, the 'rock star' of social business at a panel discussion in Casablanca. Due to meeting conflicts, our final presentation was surprisingly scheduled on Tuesday evening and not on Wednesday. Although we were really busy in finishing everything earlier, the good thing was that we had no time to get worried if we missed anything or to get nervous before the meeting. At 6 pm we came together at DARE space with Marwane, Ahmed and Adnane from MCISE and Malika and Mehdi from Pyxera to present our findings and recommendations to them. The recommendations were very well received and the feedback was super positive. All the work that we invested during the last 4 weeks was really worth it. Even better: The next day we learned that some of our recommendations were alread